1. Drawing is key: Throughout history, the greatest artists have always been excellent draftsmen. Learn to draw better and you’ll improve your artistic ability to see the world. Carry a sketchbook.
2. Great art takes hard work: Art is hard, and thinking that it should come easily is a big mistake. Whenever I give up on a painting or drawing, I always look back on that instance and realize that my failure was only because of my unwillingness to sacrifice more time, effort, and concentration for my art.
3. Rejection comes to everyone:
Ignore other people’s negativity, or at least take it with a grain of salt. Only those who push past rejection ever have the chance at being successful. Choose to have confidence in yourself—as an artist, it's positive.
4. Nothing is set in stone:
Question everything, in life as well as in art. Like this list.
5. Uniqueness = success:
Just keep at what your goal is, and you will succeed.
6. Always keep learning:
The more art knowledge you have, the more depth and dimensionality your work will gain. Take a look at your older works and you’ll see how your work has changed.
3. Rejection comes to everyone:
Ignore other people’s negativity, or at least take it with a grain of salt. Only those who push past rejection ever have the chance at being successful. Choose to have confidence in yourself—as an artist, it's positive.
4. Nothing is set in stone:
Question everything, in life as well as in art. Like this list.
5. Uniqueness = success:
Just keep at what your goal is, and you will succeed.
6. Always keep learning:
The more art knowledge you have, the more depth and dimensionality your work will gain. Take a look at your older works and you’ll see how your work has changed.
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